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lunes, marzo 16, 2009

Los enemigos de la republica....

...estan trabajando dia y noche por CAMBIAR los valores dominicanos.

Sonia Pierre

Despues de leer esto...los dominicanos paresemos los mas crueles del mundo!

Estoy harto de este tipo de articulos dañinos. Que solo siembran el odio.
El odio lo tiene este grupo de personas...Pero ellos claman que son TODOS los dominicanos.

La paz se consigue con paz...no con este veneno dañino.

2 comentarios:

Elizabeth Eames Roebling dijo...

In no way am I trying to defame the Dominican Republic. Please do not label me as an enemy of the people. Instead, do a search on all my articles and see that I have tried, indeed, to be fair about the realities here.

What was it that you found so objectionable?

Elizabeth Eames Roebling

LaGuira.com dijo...

Specifically this article that you wrote seems one-sided, and doesn't speak the entire truth.


In the Dominican Republic haitian immigrants come in for a better chance of survival. All of them find work that they wouldn't otherwise have in Haiti. And they walk freely and illegaly in the streets. You see them everywhere. This is the truth! It is not true that they are persecuted and mis-treated in the DR. Actually, they are not even legaly there, but they are still allowed to work. I know many that they find help from dominican families. Write about those stories also...where dominicans provide food, shelter and gifts to haitian immigrants with nothing in return. Do not only write about a case where someone mistreats someone else. That doesn't depict the entire story. This is a touchy subject, with a difficult history.

I will love to discuss with you your opinions and point of views. It is of my interest that the complex immingrant topic in the DR is not misinterpreted.